Sunday, February 21, 2016


Dr. Ben Carson may once have been the best neurosurgeon in the country. Not taking away from that. As a presidential candidate he has been the....once-best neurosurgeon in the country. From the first time he appeared in public as a candidate, he has had his supporters among devout religious people, because he seemed like a kindly man, and perhaps they trusted his past as a doctor. He could have run for Pastor in Chief, if such a job existed, but he has never, not once, demonstrated a single skill for being President. He has been clearly over his head on the debate stage, and taken up a slot there that rightly belonged to those far more qualified candidates who were wrongly relegated to the "undercard" stage. A travesty.

Here's what too many are afraid to say: Dr. Carson has repeatedly complained about "political correctness", and that is the ultimate in irony. Political correctness is the only reason he hasn't been attacked by anyone -- not even Donald Trump, for whom no one else is immune. Why? Because he is African American, and the GOP has so few on their side, they can't cut him loose. If that isn't the definition of political correctness I don't know what is. Carson should be insulted, not encouraged.  Let me be clear: I cannot support Dr. Carson -- but not because of his color. That would be racism. But it is also a kind of racism to support an unqualified candidate only because of his color, and too many are doing that.

Finally, today, after finishing last in the South Carolina primary, he was quoted thus: "On Saturday, Carson said that he would stay in the race to remind Americans that the "political class" and political pundits should not have the ability to dictate the direction of the presidential race." He really doesn't seem to get what is happening. His inexplicable progress in this race and that of a non-politician named Trump prove that the "political" elite he thinks are in charge have not been able to dictate anything in this strange election year.

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