Saturday, October 29, 2016


It’s a cobra that rises and with its poison stings; a python that winds its way around your heart, and sits there, quietly for minutes, even days, then without warning it squeezes and coldly watches the suffocating pain it causes.  Grief is a massive monster that growls when it isn’t staring at you with inhuman eyes.  Enduring the loss of parents and pets and grandparents and friends is a tolerable sorrow; grieving the loss of a child is indescribable, killing you in despairing moments.  It is the most unnatural suffering.  It should never be.

Sunday, October 2, 2016


Nothing like stumbling on an old diary years after you have forgotten it.  I have just done exactly that, and reading my musings from 1991 give me chills.  For context:  I had just had my fourth baby and the first Gulf war was on.  Here’s an excerpt:

January 23 1991

“…I want this war to end.  I want Saddam dead so he can’t come back to haunt us when my three sons are old enough to be drafted.  I want to feel once again that I’ve brought my precious new daughter into a world that is a good place, where she can have a happy life.  I want to be rid of this feeling of dread that horrible events lie ahead….”

January 24

“…The horrible possibilities which could occur during this war are back in the forefront of my imagination.  Chemical bombs. Terrorist attacks.  Nukes.  I’m scared.  I’m definitely in a “sell everything and move to a farm in Vermont” mood these days.

January 26

“….I want my kids to believe in their own goodness, intelligence, beauty and capability so they can charge ahead in life, take on challenges and overcome obstacles.  As they grow I see many fine qualities emerging in each and I’m so proud…..Being a mother is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Now for the bad news:  My children make me so happy and I love them all so much, that I spend many moments shoving down a terrible dread that something will happen to them.  They seem so vulnerable, and the world is full of so many dangers!  Joy can become tragedy in a second’s time. My life has been so blessed in recent years:  a fine husband, money enough for a comfortable life, work opportunities I’ve enjoyed, good friends, a close relationship with my sister, 4 healthy, bright children (including a daughter after 3 sons!).  Sometimes I find myself
waiting for my luck to turn…..”