Friday, November 11, 2016

I was introducing my 7th graders to the idea of writing a persuasive essay.  I gave them a graphic organizer to help them plan.  We brainstormed and they wrote on the board ideas for topics.  I tried to keep them from going down the election, abortion, racism highway (yes, even in 7th grade!) and encouraged them to pick a silly topic, the top of my head I said, "We should paint all school parking lots pink!"  They guffawed and demanded, could I possibly write a persuasive essay on such a silly topic?  I said, "Ok, challenge accepted. I will write one this weekend."

  And here it is.  I will read it to my class on Monday morning!

By Mary McKay

            Pink?  Hot pink?  Yes!  Every school parking lot in the United States should be painted a bright hot pink. There are good reasons for this, and here are just a few:

            As a teacher, I believe that bright colors, especially hot pink, stimulate the brain to accept new information and apply it to new situations and knowledge, sort of like sticking something to Velcro.  I have seen with my own eyes how bright colors in the classroom can do this. It seems logical to have a bright color under the car, bus and feet of students as they enter the school building.

            Dr. McStuffins of Disney University has done extensive research into the effects of colors on drivers and students.  Her findings prove that this is a very good idea and she recommends that it should be made law.  And as we know, Disney has the answer to everything.

            In addition, we can see by the popularity of Kim Kardashian, Lady Gaga, Donald Trump and other colorful characters that outrageous, bright, eye-catching statements and colors are appealing to a wide swath of Americans, especially, school age Americans.  I personally, have gotten a recent manicure of hot pink fingernails and I can tell you, it has made me feel so much better about life.

            And so, in conclusion, there is scientific evidence as well as cultural and celebrity  reasons that support my recommendation, no demand, that to improve our world and to help students learn, every school parking lot should be painted immediately.  If there is any question about what shade, I recommend you look for something like Revlon Top Speed Fast Dry Pink Lava #520.


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