Friday, October 23, 2015


I am so fond of my own voice crying out in the wilderness that I have finally decided to start a blog and make others suffer too.  Just kidding.

I am starting this blog for two reasons:

1.  I am a writer who has to write.

2.  I have something to say and I have to say it.

3.  I am the author of a soon-to-be-published book, entitled, Swimming Lessons: A mother's tale of navigating the mental illness tide. 

Oops.  Yes, yes, I see that.  It's 3.

Let me start today by answering that so profound Facebook question "What's on your mind?"

Sorry, all you fans of Dr. Ben Carson, but I am greatly troubled by this and I have to be honest.  Who are you? Where are you? Do you really exist, or is this some kind of Democratic prank?

President?  Really?  A media outlet headline today asks, "What's behind Ben Carson's surge in the polls?" and I have the answer:  Nada.  Zip.  Crickets.  There is NO explanation. There is no reason to support this man for President of the United States.

President of the Neurosurgeons Anonymous?  Of course!  President of the UFO Society?  Sure.  President of the (three members of) the Evangelical Extremists Organization?  No objection.

I've previously explained that I am an expert on mental illness.  So I venture to proudly say that I think someone is nuts.  And it isn't me.

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