Thursday, December 1, 2016


Why does Donald Trump remind me of a high school reunion?

A high school reunion is a metaphor for life.  The rat race.  It represents the "before" and "after" pictures in a makeover commercial.  Of course, mostly the ones who go to reunions are the ones with a good "after" story, because the ones who take the risk and go without a good "after" are the ones people talk about for years after.  "What a loser!"  "Did you see how fat she got?" "I think that was a toupe."

So that brings me to our (gulp) President elect.  

He's like the guy that can't wait to go to is 20th reunion to show off.  He's the guy who in high school had acne; he was scrawny and no good at sports.  Never got a girl to say yes to sitting with him at lunch.  So he goes to the reunion expecting to blow their minds with his clear skin, toned body with the fake tan, laser corrected vision, expensive suit, hot date with the huge fake boobs, and the Porsche.  When he leaves the reunion he can't shake the sadness, the anger.  Because the classmates he wanted to impress are now still talking about him.  "He's still obnoxious!"  "See that Porsche he bragged about?  Purple! What a loser!" "Those boobs are fake."  "Bet she's never read a book."  "Read a book?  Bet she can't spell 'book'"!....

Trump can't get the respect he wants, no matter how many times he brags about his money.  His women.  His numbers of red hats at rallies.  His votes.  He has never been able to be accepted by the "elites" he wants so desperately to impress, and he never will.  Because underneath the loaded wallet in his back pocket is, you guessed it, an ass.

That makes him so mad it makes him, well, mad.  And his madness is spreading to some very dangerous elements.  All the rest of us can do it pray that his madness doesn't destroy our country.

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